Despite the all day gloominess of the clouds, the rain held off on Thursday, and it actually turned out to be a great day for pictures! I met the Swanns on Thursday afternoon for some family portraits. They are a sweet family, and one more connection I have to Lauren Hymer. If you are a long time blog reader, you have read my story of Lauren a few times on here. Todd Swann is Lauren's uncle. I met him not long ago, then shortly after, they called wanting me to take some family pictures - and of course I was happy to oblige! Todd was also needing some family pictures for his website He is a dentist in Greenbrier, and is building a new website for his practice.
Without further ado, here are some of my faves!!!

Swanns, it was so good to finally meet all of you! I heard so many great stories about you from Lauren, so I felt like I knew you a little bit already! :) I had lots of fun Thursday, and I hope you enjoy your pictures!!
That's my dentist! That's so funny - I had no idea that's who you were taking pictures of when I ran into you guys Saturday at Hendrix! I didn't really pay attention to who your clients were.
Great pictures Lindsey!
I love the connection to Lauren too.
I'll have to pass these along to my mom. Caleb was in her preschool class at Conway Christian. :)
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