For those of you who follow me on facebook, you may have read that, some time in the next year to 18 months, I will be getting a new niece.....from Ethiopia! SO EXCITING!!!!!! My sister and brother-in-law shared the news with the family last week, and finally made it public a couple days later. They have prayed over this situation for a very long time now, and are certain that God is leading them in this direction.
Christina hasn't had much time to blog about it yet, but I am sure several blog posts are cooking in her head. She will be sharing all about it as soon as she gets the chance. If you would like to follow the story, you can check out the Anderson Family blog
I have always had a huge heart for adoption, and have great admiration for those who adopt - whether it be domestic or foreign. Because of this, and because I can't wait to meet our new little family member, I am offering a deal to you to help raise money for them! :) So.......
If you make a $80 donation to the Anderson Family adoption fund, you will get a mini-session (30 minutes, one outfit) and 5 high resolution digital images on CD - a $150 value.
If you make a $135 donation to the Anderson Family adoption fund, you will get a mini-session (30 minutes, one outfit) and 10 high resolution digital images on CD - a $275 value.
This is a great deal! I very rarely offer full rights to my digital images, so you should take advantage of this offer! Mini-sessions are usually only for one person per shoot, but for this offer, I am opening it up to multiple people per shoot. This would be great for babies, kiddos, families, seniors, or just plain ole' anytime photos! I have a feeling these spots will fill up fast, so book soon!
How to book: Click on this link: Under the header, there is a Anderson Ethiopia Fund "Donate" Button. Click the button, pay via credit card or pay pal, and in the memo space, write "lindseyfaith photography adoption deal." After donating, please call or e-mail me to book. Once I get a copy of your recipt of payment from Christina & John, I will book the session!
Please don't hesitate to call or e-mail with any questions.
Thanks! Lindsey